Marvel Spiderman Boys Fashion Graphic Tee

Insomniac's Spider-Human being boasts nearly 30 costumes for the histrion to habiliment, all with their own special abilities that can be used or distributed to other costumes. The suits all harken back to various points in Spidey's comic book history, showing just how deep the studio went to showcase the character's history.

Hither's a rundown of the suits yous'll run into — including in "The Heist," the first chapter of Spider-Man DLC The City That Never Sleeps and the comic history that established them.

[Ed. note: this post contains major spoilers for the unlockable suits in Marvel'south Spider-Man. If you don't want to know what'south in store, unlock everything, and then read on.]

[Update: Insomniac has announced three new skins for the PlayStation v version of Marvel's Spider-Man, Curiosity'due south Spider-Human Remastered. All three costumes volition come up to the remaster first, on its November. 12, 2020 release, and will be available PS4 players at a later date.]

Amazing Spider-Man

Peter Parker in the Amazing Spider-Man suit in Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered. Image: Insomniac Games/Sony Entertainment

First Appearance: The Amazing Spider-Man (2012)

After Sam Raimi's Spider trilogy bowed out, Sony tried their hands at a second reboot starring Andrew Garfield. The Amazing franchise did not live up to its adjective, and Sony Pictures pivoted to the Tom Holland-lead, MCU-adjacent Spider-Man: Homecoming and Spider-Man: Far From Dwelling house. Though information technology didn't get far, it had a pretty cool suit, distinct for its yellow eyes and looking relatively realistic of all the various pic suits. Who knows, peradventure we'll come across Garfield take the suit up again someday. (This adapt is a timed sectional for Curiosity'south Spider-Man Remastered on the PlayStation 5.)

Arachnid Rider

Peter parker in the tonkusatsu-inspired Arachnid Rider suit in Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered. Prototype: Insomniac Games/Sony Entertainment

Outset Appearance: Curiosity's Spider-Man (2020)

Here'due south a costume for all you fans of the tokusatsu genre. An original creation, the Armored Rider suit bears a certain resemblance to those insect-themed superheroes in Nihon. Only mayhap don't look Peter to say "henshin!" before donning the adjust. (This suit is a timed exclusive for Curiosity's Spider-Man Remastered on the PlayStation v.)

Advanced Armored

Peter Parker in the white, black, and red Advanced Armored suit in Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered. Image: Insomniac Games/Sony Entertainment

First Appearance: Marvel's Spider-Man (2020)

Remember the base Advanced Suit from the original game? Hither's a new version of it where the colors accept been reversed and it's got more than armor to protect Peter just a footling fleck more. (This conform is a timed sectional for Curiosity's Spider-Man Remastered on the PlayStation 5.)

Avant-garde Adjust

Insomniac Games/Sony Interactive Entertainment

First Appearance: Marvel 's Spider-Homo (2018)

This is the primary accommodate made past Insomniac that's been shown all through the game's release cycle. Unlike the typical Spidey costumes, this i isn't spandex; Insomniac drew inspiration from athletic wear for the costume that players spend most of the fourth dimension wearing during the story.

Archetype Suit

classic spider-man suit in spider-man ps4 Insomniac Games/Sony Interactive Entertainment

First Advent: Amazing Fantasy #15 (1962)

The one that'southward been many a Halloween costume is also the Steve Ditko blueprint that started it all. Peter briefly wears the suit at the commencement of the game, before it gets swapped out for the Avant-garde Adapt. The Classic Suit comes in two variants in the game: one battle damaged, and one that's been stitched upward, good equally new.


Insomniac Games/Sony Interactive Entertainment

First Appearance: Spider-Man/Deadpool #8 (2016)

Spider-Man and Deadpool get paired together fairly frequently in the comics. In Spider-Human/Deadpool, the Merc with a Mouth was hired to impale Peter Parker and succeeded, unaware that Parker was his heroic BFF. Short version, Deadpool pulled Peter out of Purgatory, simply non before meeting Mephisto. This costume is the result of being killed and having a conversation with the homo who wiped his marriage from his memory.

Electrically Insulated

Insomniac Games/Sony Interactive Entertainment

Commencement Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man #425 (1997)

Appropriately named the Electro-Proof Suit, Spidey first donned this while fighting aslope the X-Men member 10-Man (yes, really) against Electro. Despite fighting Electro on a frequent basis, however, he hasn't worn the suit since 1997, more often than not because he's upgraded his suits a ton since then.

Fear Itself

Insomniac Games/Sony Interactive Entertainment

Get-go Appearance: Fearfulness Itself #seven (2010)

The 2010 comic event Fear Itself saw several Marvel heroes get new costumes courtesy of Tony Stark and the dwarves of Nidavellir. Like Thor's erstwhile hammer Mjolnir, the suit was made of Uru metallic and had gauntlets that shot blades out of both arms. But before Peter could enjoy it, Odin ordered information technology destroyed. Whack.


Insomniac Games/Sony Interactive Entertainment

Start Appearance: Helm America: Civil State of war (2016)

Peter Parker may be good with suits now, but at that place was a time he was just doing his best. This homemade suit was proof of that, calling back to last twelvemonth's Spider-Man film subsequently Peter got his suit taken away by Tony Stark. Good thing he doesn't wear this ane anymore, because those eyes are creepy.

Iron Spider

Insomniac Games/Sony Interactive Entertainment

Showtime Advent: Spider-Human: Homecoming (2017), Amazing Spider-Human being #529 (2006)

Though information technology draws the proper noun from the iconic ruby and gold armor from Curiosity'south 2007 Civil War arc, the Iron Spider suit is inspired by Peter's shiny new outfit in Avengers: Infinity State of war. Every bit in the picture, the game'south outfit will shoot out mechanical spider arms to requite some actress achieve. Mayhap this fourth dimension the armor will experience so skillful.

Final Stand

Insomniac Games/Sony Interactive Amusement

First Appearance: Astonishing Spider-Man #500 (2003)

This Spider-Man arrange actually belongs to the Spider-Man of Globe-312500. In that reality, our hero has been on the run since murdering Kraven the Hunter. Despite being told of a more peaceful solution, he instead opts to fight the NYPD and gets shot down in front end of Aunt May's grave. Spider-Homo of Earth-312500 did resurface during Marvel's Spider-Verse event.

MK. II Armor

Insomniac Games/Sony Interactive Entertainment

Offset Appearance: Amazing Spider-Homo #656 (1999)

Later a flow where Peter lost his Spider Sense, he made new Spider Armor to compensate. Along with its impenetrable armor and magnetic webbing, the adjust served him well in the fight against Massacre. Information technology went into retirement after Peter'south Spider Sense returned.


Insomniac Games/Sony Interactive Entertainment

Get-go Advent: Amazing Spider-Human #682 (1999)

This Scarlet Hood-looking adjust was created by Peter using the resource he had while working at Horizon Labs. The adapt was congenital specifically to fight the Sinister 6, containing various means to bring each member of the villain squad down, from beingness "Electro-Proof" to possessing a hearing device able to choice upwardly the Chameleon'southward distinct heartbeat.

MK. IV Armor

Insomniac Games/Sony Interactive Amusement

Start Appearance: Amazing Spider-Human being Vol. 4 #i (2015)

Back when Peter was in control of Parker Industries and traveling the world, the MK. IV accommodate with its distinct, glowing spider, was his arrange of choice. Like a Stark suit, information technology's got the technological works, from a HUD to explosive tracers and drones. Unfortunately, the adjust was destroyed completely past the Superior Octopus.


Insomniac Games/Sony Interactive Amusement

Commencement Appearance: Spider-Man #90 (1998)

Being who he is, Spider-Man sometimes gets caught upward in strange situations. Case in bespeak, he once had to rescue a trio of Yancy Street residents from the Negative Zone, and of course that required him to make a new adapt for the occasion. The costume afterward went on to be referred to as Sunset, which Peter used to help clear his proper noun.


Insomniac Games/Sony Interactive Entertainment

Beginning Appearance: Spider-Human being: Noir #one (2008)

One of the more famous members of the Spider-Poetry, this alt-globe version of Spidey lives in the era of 1933, the heart of the Great Low. Like his archetype counterpart, he has the powers of a spider and all that entails, but he'southward also a adept marksman and has no qualms about using guns. Spider-Man Noir as a character will show up in the animated Into the Spider-Verse movie in December, voiced past Nicolas Cage.

Cloak-and-dagger War black

Insomniac Games/Sony Interactive Amusement

First Appearance: Hush-hush Wars #8 (2004)

Non to be confused with the catholic wars of similar name, Secret War was a 2004 arc that saw Spider-Man and several other Marvel heroes help the older Nick Fury covertly overthrow Latveria, home of Fantastic 4 villain Victor von Doom. Beyond merely beingness for that mission, this blackness suit hasn't seen the light of day since that run.

Red Spider

Insomniac Games/Sony Interactive Entertainment

First Appearance: Spider web of Spider-Man #118 (1994)

The whole situation surrounding the Scarlet Spider is ... complicated, but the brusque version is that he'southward a clone of Spider-Man named Ben Reilly. This being the '90s, his outfit at the fourth dimension featured a sleeveless hoodie. In a reference to the Clone Saga from which Reilly was born, the game's version of the costume creates holograms of Spider-Homo.


Insomniac Games/Sony Interactive Entertainment

Outset Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 3 #10 (2014)

The Spider-Man of Earth-138 is Hobie Brown — Prowler in the 616 Universe — who leads the Spider Army against the tyrannical President Osborn. This is a punk rock Spidey who shreds just as well as he slings webs, and information technology was just through the ability of rock that he stopped the President. That, and bashing his head in with a guitar.

Spirit Spider

Insomniac Games/Sony Interactive Entertainment

Outset Advent: Amazing Spider-Man Annual #38 (2011)

The alternate reality of Earth-11638 poses the question of what happens if Uncle Ben never died and inspired Peter to become Spider-Man. This Peter became the "Amazing Spider," and later died while trying to steal the powers of other Spider-Heroes. He was granted a second chance at life by the Sorcerer Supreme of his universe, Bruce Banner. And thus, the Ghost Spider was built-in!

Stark Suit

Insomniac Games/Sony Interactive Entertainment

First Appearance: Helm America : Civil State of war (2016)

Tom Kingdom of the netherlands's Peter Parker debuted into the Curiosity Cinematic Universe with Civil War, with a fresh new adapt courtesy of Tony Stark. While it's tricked out with tech in the films, the well-nigh important part is that the eyes were finally able to retract and expand, merely like in the comics.

Stealth (Large Fourth dimension)

Insomniac Games/Sony Interactive Amusement

Starting time Advent: Amazing Spider-Human #650 (1999)

Created by Peter during the Big Fourth dimension arc, this suit was used to counteract the Hobgoblin's sonic screams. It warps light and audio around it, allowing it to become invisible. While the game's version of the spider is green, it changed from cerise to blue also every bit green in the comics.


Insomniac Games/Sony Interactive Entertainment

First Advent: Ultimate Spider-Man #3 (2000)

This costume hails from the Ultimate Universe, where Peter Parker was still a teen figuring out how his powers, and what it meant to exist the iconic Spider-Human being fans knew and loved. As expected, the costume and mask in particular would provide the basis of what his Spider-Human being suit would ultimately exist.


Insomniac Games/Sony Interactive Entertainment

First Appearance: Marvel's Spider-Homo (2018)

The Velocity Suit, not unlike the Avant-garde Suit, was designed specifically for the game. This pattern comes courtesy of Adi Granov, acclaimed costume and comic designer who has previously washed cover work for Marvel in the past. Every bit the proper noun implies, the adapt gives players some actress speed to get effectually Manhattan faster.


Insomniac Games/Sony Interactive Entertainment

Exactly what it says, calling back to those very old vintage comics from back in the day. Unlike the other suits in the game, this one is cel-shaded, giving it an even more distinct look against the hyper realistic graphics of the game.


Insomniac Games/Sony Interactive Entertainment

First Advent: Astonishing Spider-Man #365 (1992)

In the year 2099, in the future of Earth-928, New York is protected by a different Spider-Man: Miguel O'Hara. Different Peter, his costume was made of the same material used for the Fantastic Four'south outfits, and sometimes features a cape that looks similar a web.

2099 (White)

Insomniac Games/Sony Interactive Entertainment

Outset Appearance: Spider-Homo 2099 Vol. iii #1 (2015)

In contempo years, the Miguel of Earth-TRN588 (a mostly similar reality to E-928) became stuck in the present 24-hour interval Marvel Universe while Peter had his body controlled by Medico Octopus. Once that all got sorted, Peter hired him at Parker Industries and constructed a new white arrange for him.


Spider-Man's character model wearing his 'Undies' suit in Marvel's Spider-Man Image: Insomniac Games/Sony Interactive Amusement

Peter often has the worst luck, and sometimes that means he winds up swinging through the city in his underwear. New Yorkers never forget the day they saw their hero save the 24-hour interval in his boxers.


Insomniac Games/Sony Interactive Amusement

Showtime Advent: Spider-Man (2018)

This i doesn't have a comic book equivalent. A lot of people may go it confused with either the Big Fourth dimension Stealth suit or the MK. II armor, but it'south another wholly original cosmos from Insomniac's artists, revealed towards the very end of the game when Spidey combats 1 of his greatest foes.

Resilient ("The Heist," The City That Never Sleeps DLC)

resilient costume in spider-man ps4 dlc Insomniac Games/Sony Interactive Amusement

First Advent: Spider-Man (2018)

Like the Advanced and Velocity Suits from launch, the Resilient model is a custom design made by Insomniac for the game. Whereas the Velocity Suit was brought to life past esteemed comic artist Adi Granov, this one was designed by Marvel illustrator Gabriele Dell'Otto, who previously designed covers for Dan Slott's Amazing Spider-Man arc "The Clone Conspiracy."

Scarlet Spider II ("The Heist," The City That Never Sleeps DLC)

scarlet spider II costume from spider-man ps4 dlc Insomniac Games/Sony Interactive Entertainment

First Advent: Ruddy Spider #one (2012)

Some other of Peter'due south clones, Kaine Parker, decided to escape the hustle and bustle of New York for Houston, TX. Having taken upward the Scarlet Spider drape, the cherry and black costume helps differentiate himself from fellow clone and Scarlet Spider Ben Reilly, who he has a complicated relationship with. And like all Spider-heroes, Kaine's died at least twice.

Spider-UK ("The Heist," The City That Never Sleeps DLC)

spider-UK costume from spider-man ps4 dlc Insomniac Games/Sony Interactive Entertainment

First Appearance: Border of Spider-Poesy #2 (2014)

In Globe-833, William Braddock trades in existence Captain Britain for a life as Spider-Man, wielding the powers of both heroes and a rocking a dope, Union Jack-inspired costume to boot. Sadly, William just became i of the beginning casualties of the Spider-Geddon comic arc, but hey, at least he lives on in the game.

spider-clan spider-man suit marvel mangaverse design from spider-man ps4 Insomniac Games/Sony Interactive Entertainment

Spider-Clan ("Turf Wars," The Urban center That Never Sleeps DLC)

First Appearance: Marvel Mangaverse: Spider-Homo #i (2002)

In Earth-2301, Spider-Man is lone survivor of ninja outfit known as the Spider Clan. (His fellow ninjas, along with Uncle Ben, were killed by Venom!) After grooming in hush-hush, he eventually gained spider powers and later helped other Spider heroes in Spider-Poetry.

iron spider suit from civil war comics in spider-man ps4 Insomniac Games/Sony Interactive Entertainment

Iron Spider ("Turf Wars," The City That Never Sleeps DLC)

Showtime Appearance: Peter Parker: The Astonishing Spider-Human being #529 (2006)

Different the Iron Spider armor that was a pre-order bonus based on the Infinity War armor, this one is lifted straight from the Civil State of war comics, when Pete pledged his loyalty to Atomic number 26 Man. The last person to wear this in the comics was Miles Morales' uncle, Aaron Davis.

Spider Armor Mk. I suit from Spider-Man ps4 Insomniac Games/Sony Interactive Amusement

Spider Armor Mk. I ("Turf Wars," The Urban center That Never Sleeps DLC)

First Appearance: Web of Spider-Man #100 (1993)

After the New Enforcers showed up in New York with high powered guns, Peter made himself a conform of armor to avoid getting ripped to shreds. The Mk. I conform made him bulletproof, but it also slowed him downward, which is ... pretty of import when existence agile and quick is role of your whole deal. The suit was afterwards dissolved by acid later, and Peter has since improved on it with other variants.

raimi's spider-man suit in spider-man ps4 Insomniac Games/Sony Interactive Entertainment

Raimi's Spider-Human being

First advent: Spider-Man (2002)

Since the release of the Curiosity'southward Spider-Human being, fans have been railing on Insomniac for not including the sleek costume from Sam Raimi'due south earth-shattering moving picture adaptation and begging them to hit the buttons to make information technology happen. Well here information technology is! Players can finally shoot organic webs out of their wrists with this vacation-timed gift.

spider-man ps4 into the spider-verse cotsume Insomniac Games/Sony Interactive Entertainment

Into the Spider-Poetry ("Silver Lining," The Urban center That Never Sleeps DLC)

First Appearance: Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018)

Those who loved Jake Johnson's deadbeat and much older Peter Parker will be pleased to know his dotted, impress-similar outfit is be available to article of clothing. The Insomniac design does justice to the brilliant fine art fashion that took years to develop (and we'll be waiting patiently for a Miles version... ane day). Unfortunately for players, a java cup and pizza slices not included.

cyborg spider-man suit in spider-man ps4 Insomniac Games/Sony Interactive Entertainment

Cyborg Spider-Man ("Silverish Lining," The City That Never Sleeps DLC)

Get-go Appearance: Spider-Man: Revenge of the Sinister Six (1992)

Exactly what it sounds like: a Spidey with a cyborg arm and eye, because the '90s were all about cyberpunk hijinks. Call back that dear Spidey cartoon with the groovy theme song? The show's toyline released a toy where Peter became a cyborg afterwards a fight with the Sinister Six. This ... never actually happened in the show itself, evidently, just a new version of Cyborg Spidey did appear in Spider-Geddon, only to exist ripped autonomously.

Aaron Aikman Armor in spider-man ps4 Insomniac Games/Sony Interactive Entertainment

Aaron Aikman Armor ("Silvery Lining," The City That Never Sleeps DLC)

First Appearance: Edge of Spider-Verse #3 (2014)

The Aaron Aikman Armor (try saying that v times fast) belonged to — y'all guessed it! — Aaron Aikman, a scientist and the Spidey of Earth-31411. After genetically resequencing his genes to obtains the powers of a spider, he congenital this cybernetic armor to heave his abilities. Sadly, just as he was about to save an old friend, Aaron died in the upshot he showed up in, thanks to those pesky interdimensional vampires that kill Spider-heroes.

Future Foundation suit Spider-Man PS4 Insomniac Games/Sony Interactive Entertainment

Hereafter Foundation

Beginning Appearance: FF #one (2011)

When Jonathan Hickman took over writing duties for the Fantastic Iv, he rebranded them every bit the Future Foundation! Spider-Man joined subsequently the Human Torch died, and was gifted a conform made of unstable molecules that could repair itself and change its appearance.

Bombastic Bag-Man suit Spider-Man PS4 Insomniac Games/Sony Interactive Entertainment

Bombastic Bag-Man

Beginning Advent: Astonishing Spider-Man #258 (1984)

Ditching the Symbiote suit didn't simply create Venom, it left Spidey without a costume of his ain for a while. Since he's friends with the Fantastic Four, they allow him use ane of their costumes until he could make a new 1. But because he's Spider-Man, his good friend the Human Torch gave him i with a paper bag and a "Boot Me" sign on his back.

spider-man ps4 far from home costume Insomniac Games/Sony Interactive Entertainment

Upgraded Suit (MCU)

Showtime Appearance: Spider-Man: Far From Dwelling (2019)

No spoilers, but after going to infinite, getting blipped out of existence, reappearing v years afterwards, then assisting in the defeat of a Mad Titan, all with the help of Tony Stark'south high-tech Spider-armor, Peter Parker goes back to the basics in Far From Home — with some minor suit improvements.

spider-man ps4 far from home stealth suit Insomniac Games/Sony Interactive Entertainment

Stealth Suit (MCU)

First Appearance: Spider-Human: Far From Dwelling (2019)

To throw European onlookers off his trail, Nick Fury gifts Spider-Man a stealthy, new costume for nighttime web-slinging. Unfortunately, he's even so defenseless on camera, earning Peter Parker a new superhero proper name: Nighttime Monkey.

Justin is a Kansas City, Missouri, freelance writer and is on Twitter oft, @GigawattConduit . He also is an avid lover of M&M McFlurries from McDonald'southward, and accepts that he has an addiction to them.

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